Programs for Children/Youth
Sunday School-We help our children learn to know Jesus
Our congregation holds Sunday School on Sunday mornings (September-May), 9-10:15 a.m.
Vacation Bible School
Early each summer St. Peter’s hosts a Vacation Bible School which features music,
crafts, snacks, stories and play acting about just how much Jesus loves them.
Confirmation Program
Instruction is offered to 7th, 8th and 9th grade students who were baptized as infants so they can make their own personal faith commitment to Jesus. Each student who completes the 3 years of instruction participates in a service of personal commitment (Confirmation) in the spring of their 9th grade year.
Youth Group
Youth Group is held for grades 6-12.
Various activities for fun, fellowship and faith building are offered to our youth. Activities include Bible studies, youth group, service projects, TEC, Faith Quake & Catch the Wave retreats.
Youth Group Activities
Check back for a list of youth group activities for 2019-2020